St. Matthias-Gallery

Wise Men Presenting Gifts to the Infant Jesus
Figures of Mary, Jesus, Joseph

Wise Men Presenting Gifts to the Infant Jesus
Figures of Three Wise Men

On the back of the cartoon:
Carl Huneke – 1962 (in blue ball point pen)

Jesus with the Doctors in the Temple
On the back of the cartoon:
Oakdale (in pencil)
Luke IV 8 (in red grease pencil)
6 (in red grease pencil - scratched out)

First Miracle - Changing Water to Wine at Cana
On the back of the cartoon:
Oakdale (in pencil)
St. John II-11 (in red grease pencil)
7 (in red grease pencil)
To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Clarence W. Royse

Healing the Blind
On the back of the cartoon:
Oakdale (in pencil)
Luke VIII 42 (in red grease pencil)
10 (in red grease pencil)

Temptation of Jesus
On the back of the cartoon:
Oakdale (in pencil)
Luke II 46 (in red grease pencil)
4 (in red grease pencil - scratched out)

Agony in the Garden
On the back of the cartoon:
Gethsemane (in pencil)
St. Matthew XVI 42 (in red grease pencil)
15 (in red grease pencil)
Carl Huneke 1967 (in black ball point pen)

On the back of the cartoon:
Crucifixion ( in pencil)
St. Matthew XXVII 35 (in red grease pencil)
16 (in blue grease pencil)
Carl Huneke 1967 (in black ball point pen)

On the back of the cartoon:
Resurrection (in pencil)
St. Matthew XXVIII 6 (in red grease pencil)
17 (in blue grease pencil)
Carl Huneke 1967 (in black ball point pen)

On the back of the cartoon:
Ascension (in pencil)
St. Mark XVI 19 ( in red grease pencil)
18 (in red grease pencil)
Carl Huneke 1967 (in black ball point pen)

(Not used)

Healing the Sick
(Not used)

9” x 5 1/2”

7 1/2” x 3 3/4”

Let the Children Come Unto Me
8 3/4” x 4 1/2”

Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist
6” x 3”

Figure of Christ
6” x 3”

8 1/4” x 3 1/4”

7 1/4” x 4 1/4”

Healing the Blind
7 1/4” x 3”